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Many Reader Vehicles Used For General Haulage—maj. Eastwood
A FTER examining drivers' records of the Reader Group it appeared that, although large quantities of fruit were being left behind, many of their vehicles were being used for......
Vauxhall Lose E.1.1m: Record Production
A LTHOUGH production and sales were slightly higher than ever before, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., last year suffered a temporary setback and incurred a loss of £1,134,744: The reason......
Evan Cook Deliver Brussels Exhibits
F IRST 20 loads on the Continental delivery service introduced by Evan Cook's Depositories, Ltd., 134 Queen's Road, London, S.E.15, via the TilburyAntwerp ferry, were exhibits......
Haulier's Appeal Fails
- A N appeal by R. L. Williamson and Sons, Ltd., hauliers, against refusal of planning permission for a garage in Carleton New Rd., Skipton, by Skipton Urban District Council......