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The Professionals
• Your editorial comments and the report entitled 'Inspectors slam Care Standards' (CM, 7 March) points to a rather sad state of affairs in the transport industry. It is correct......
• Fortlicr to the article published in Commercial Motor, 17 January, we are writing to confirm that we also are having trouble obtaining journey permits. As well as operating a......
Man To Roadrunner
• I would refer to your roadtest of the Leyland Roadrunner 8.13 in Commercial Motor, 21 Mardi, 1987 and in particular to the comparison charts. I have to question the validity......
No Problem • 'fhe Letter From John Woods (cm, 14
March) regarding Leyland Daf, makes me wonder which world he lives in. We operate 32 Roadtrain 32and 38-tormers and work them hard. The Eagle/Perkins are a dream, economical and......