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Road Transport Activities
in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent THE LONDON PASSENGER TRANSPORT BILL. I N the course of the proceedings of the Joint Committee on the adjustment of......
M. Of T. Estimates.
A N interesting discussion took place in the House of Commons on the estimates for the Ministry of Transporr, which were presented byMr. Parkinson, the Parliamentary Secretary.......
Huge Expenditure.
W ITH regard to the trunk-road and the five-years programmes, the former envisaged a total expenditure of £21,000,000 for works reaching completion in March, 1935., Schemes to......
Prophecies Falsified.
A LLUDING to the fall in the "appalling number of accidents and casualties on the road," Sir Gervais Rentoul said it was clear already that the gloomy forebodings and dismal......
Act As To The Results Which Would Ensue If The Speed...
Some Suggestions. IR WILLIAM BRASS said they did Onot know how or why the number of accidents had decreased since the passing of the Act, but it might be that drivers were......
A Nother Suggestion Sir William Brass Offered Was That In...
new trunk roads there should be a double roadway. In making important roads consideration should be given to the banking of corners. He asked the Minister to include in his......