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1 1 .11s Of Happy
memory Until now almost the only people whose efforts and achievements in the CM Lorry Driver of the Year Competition have not been recognised in tangible form are the army of......
Backdoor Diplomacy
I am able exclusively to reveal that back-door diplomacy by lain Sherriff, our editor, who is believed in usually well-informed circles to be an undercover agent for M155......
Let There Be Light
Glyn Samuels, the new chairman of the Transport Association, would like to know the metric version of a bushel. A member who attended the TA annual luncheon suggested a......
History At Lunch
I recall another luncheon organised by the editor of CM which had profound effects on the road haulage industry. It was held at the now-defunct Pagani's Restaurant in Great......
- I should like to see two three other circular bus rou introduced in Central Londoi said Dr Gordon Taylor, the n chairman of GLC's Lone Transport Committee. I wo settle for two......
"Pauline Holloway has IN ten a smashing essay TUs," says TGWU Record is not true that she mar copied out the Indust' Relations Act, 1971. The Record also repo that Jack Jones,......
Rake's Progress
Special test models of the advanced passenger train which has caused such controversy among railway workers, are to be run primarily between Crewe and Glasgow in the next few......