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Tgwu Fires £9 Sail '89 Pay War
• The Transport and General Workers Union has agreed its 1989 pay targets and will be going into this autumn's annual wage round with the Road Haulage Association, seeking a......
Ec Hours Plan Blasted
I The latest European Corn fission proposals on drivers' ours for lorries and coaches re "nonsense" and will be reisted by the Government, toads and Traffic Minister Peer......
Get Heavier On Overloading
• Magistrates are too soft on hauliers who overload their lorries, says Roads and Traffic Minister Peter Bottomley. They should appreciate the dangers of overloaded vehicles and......
• Registrations Of Maximum-weight Articulated Vehicles In...
trucks, were 44% above the June 1987 figures, according to the latest report from the Department of Transport. Registrations for goods vehicles above 1.5-tonnes increased by 11%......