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The Real Advantages Of The Heavyoil Engine.
W HILST we have confidence that an excellent future lies before the heavy-oil engine in connection with its use for commercial vehicles, we do not believe in encouraging wild......
Invitation To Tender As A Cause Of Excessive Cutting Of...
TT is to be regretted that much of the blame .1for the unfortunate state Of many small hauliers should be laid at the door of public bodies. Yet such is the case. The method by......
Reducing The Multiplicity Of Models.
T HE manufacturer of commercial • vehicles who wishes to cater for the many classes of user is faced with the problem of how economically to produce a large number of models......
Loose Leaves
N iTRITING recently in a Sunday news-• paper, Sir Max Pemberton, in comparing taxicab fires in New York and London, mentioned that a mile ride in New York cost him la. 3d. as......