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"road Does Not Take Rail Traffic"
THE theory that increased road serI vices abstracted traffic from the railways was "bogus," stated Mr. F. D. Walker, for Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., before the Scottish......
New P.m.t. Purchase
'THE eighth concern acquired in recent L years by the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd.—Suttons Motors (Stokeon-Trent), Ltd., Lawton—has been taken over. The acquired company......
New Lansing Bagnall "baby" Truck
rt A PALLET truck claimed to be the smallest of its type in the world has been introduced by Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., Kingsclerc Road, Basingstoke. Known as the PP230, it is a......
A New Short-range Batteryelectric A New Smiths-n.c.b....
straight series control and battery equipment smaller than normal is to be exhibited at the Scottish Dairy Show at Glasgow from February 15-18. To be known as the SS, this new......
Farmers Start Transport Inquiry
A LL aspects of the carriage of fruit, flowers and vegetables from the • county by road and rail will be examined by a county transport committee, the horticultural executive......
One Customer's Traffic Does Not Justify Fleet Increase
W HEN Messrs. T. Bell and Sons, Wood Street, Botcherby, Carlisle, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority last week to add a vehicle to their fleet, it was stated that they......