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DESIGN FOR THE DISABLED • A steel company is offering cash prizes for vehicle designs to help the disabled, in three categories: small scale engineering (such as wheelchair......
DIRTY WORK • Forward Chemicals has produced a reformulated heavyduty bactericidal hand cleaner, called Hand Over Fist. The company says only a small quantity need be used, with......
MERC OIL ▪ A new HGV engine oil for Mercedes-Benz SK trucks has been launched by the oil division of Morris and Co (Shrewsbury), Castle Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, phone......
Road News
B LACKBURN BYPASS I The public inquiry into proposals for the M65 Blackburn southern bypass will be held on Tuesday 13 February at No 5 Salford, Blackburn, at 10:00hrs. Contact......
Austrian Parking
• The Austrians have built parking areas at the main border crossing points for lorries waiting to continue their journeys every morning at 05:00hrs. Contact the International......
• LONDON AND THE SOUTH EAST MI London: Reduced widths on slip roads at Junction 5 (A41). MI Buckinghamshire: Various outside lane closures overnight near Junction 14 (Milton......