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Dundee Wants Another £40,000 • More Operators Apply
F ARE increases designed to raise revenue by £40,920 a year were approved at a special meeting of Dundee Corporation, last week. The transport convener, alr. H, Dickson,......
Police Perturbed By "pirates"
"wiE take a serious view of this VV type of pirate offence whereby legitimate carriers are being undercut by the type of person carrying a load he is not licensed to carry,"......
Driver Cleared After Conviction
F 1FTEEN minutes after being convicted, in his absence, of exceeding the 30 m.p.h. limit in a built-up area at Bigrigg. a driver was cleared of the charge when the clerk of......
"good Outings" In 1955
P RIVATE-PARTY organizers. and coach operators will find much useful information in the 4th edition of Good Outings. which has just been published by Property Publications,......
Recruiting In Ulster
A STAFF shortage of some 400 has 1- k caused Sheffield Transport Department to recruit workers in Northern Ireland. Already more than 30 men have arrived to work as drivers and......
Leyland Output Up
F OUR Leyland vehicles were produced in January and February for every three made in the first two months of last year. Deliveries of Comet chassis to the home market so far......