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Janus Raises A Laugh
THE LETTER from Janus (CM, April 13) must have raised a belly-laugh all the way from the quarries and motorways of Britain and other places where tippermen congregate, to the......
Watch It, Hawk
THE HAWK quite rightly pointed out (CM, April 16) that whilst the LDoY was running under CM sponsorship it culminated each year in an "esoteric final in the backwoods". The......
Rt Hits Back At The Hawk
I AM SURPRISED that The Hawk claims to be able to "spot a rat" when his Bird's-eye View (CM, April 6) is so jaundiced. To answer the question in the headline, London Regional......
Critical Of Computer Programs
EVERYONE seems to be rushing into going computerised. I have looked at almost all the systems that are being offered to the transport industry on microcomputers. I now feel that......