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Mb Routes Warning
• No action has been taken against Blackburn-based M&E Coaches for allegedly failing to operate registered services. At a Manchester public inquiry last week, North Western......
Horner Calls For Investigation
• Richard Palkinghorn, trading as Pulkinghorn Bros of?rudhoe, bid for - a new 15vehicle licence following the death of his brother. But the hearing has been adjourned by North......
Not Invincible
• Daventry magistrates 6 have dismis sed allega......
Sed Allega Tions That Susan Carolyn O'neill, Trading As...
Haulage of Station Road, Elmesthorpe, Leics, has used a vehicle without an operator's licence; allowed it to be driven by a driver who did not hold an HGV licence, and used it......
Due Diligence
• Monmouth magistrates gave T D (Brynantrnan) an absolute discharge after it pleaded guilty to using a vehicle with an insecure load. The court was told that while one of the......