4th November 1939, Page 27
4th November 1939
Page 27

Page 27, 4th November 1939
News Of The Week
WAR OFFICE RATES FOR HIRED VEHICLES. S OME queries have arisen as to the scales of payment for hired vehicles paid, or to he paid, by the authorities. Those we gave last week on......
Yorkshire Employers Up In Arms On
Wages Proposals THE effects of fuel rationing, the I tendency for costs of equipment an-I commodities used by hauliers to risc, and the generally abnormal conditions resulting......
A Nut Substitute With Diverse Economy Claims
\Xil IGHT and time are but two of e savings effected, by the " speed nut," a new product of Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford. It is shown in an......