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Effect Of National Rates Structure I N A Paper Read
before the Industrial Transport Association recently, Mr. F. L. Sabatini reviewed road - haulage rates structures for different classes of operation and referred particularly to......
Laminated Springs Should Be Lubricated M Otor Users Of...
Were becoming more critical of suspension systems, Mr. J. A. Birdsell, B.Sc.. A.M.I.Mech.E., design engineer of Jonas Woodhead and Sons, Ltd., told the Institute of Road......
Short-term Licences. For Hay's Wharf T He Hay's Wharf...
Ltd., has been granted short-term A licences expiring on December 31, for two vehicles of 7 tons unladen weight, based at Stockton-on-Tees, and one vehicle of 21 tons unladen......
" Trent's" Coaching Success D Uring The Recent Coaching...
Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., operated 96 cruises, carrying 2,330 passengers and running 89,705 miles. A provisional programme for next. year includes the Scotland, West......
M.c.t.b.e. 'christmas Dance The London And Home Counties...
the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund is organizing a dance to be held at the Lyceum, Strand, London, - W.C.2, on December 13. Tickets, price 12s. 6d., can be obtained from......
. Higher_ Rates.for Farm 'haulage ?
P ROPOSITIONS to increase beethaulage rates by 10 per cent. and corn-haulage rates by 15 per cent, were carried at a meeting, last week, of the West Midland Agricultural......
Shift-work Dispute At Coventry A Fter Lengthy...
pay for skilled mechanics who work on emergency duties not included in either day or night shifts, the trade unions representing Coventry Transport Department's employees have......
Henry Spurrier Grant Applications A Pplications For...
under - the Henry Snuffler Memorial, scheme shoulkl . be made to the -Institute of Transport, 80, Portland Place, London, W.1, by May 31, 1950. Scholarships may be awarded to......
Petrol Laws: A Reminder A Ttent1on Of Members Has Been...
Spirit (Conveyance) Regulations. Vehicles used for the haulage of petroleum must conform to the 1939 regulations unless the amount carried does not exceed 30 gallons contained......