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Sheffield-to-coast Application Is Adjourned
JOINT applications by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., and East Midland Motor. Services, Ltd,, to operate express services between Sheffield and Southend and Sheffield and Clacton......
Continental Problem For Liverpool Man
1- 1. A HAZARD for hauliers handling loads to and from the Continent was pinpointed in a case at Liverpool when 'F. Nelson (Liverpool), Ltd., faced two offences for overweight.......
Changed Conditions Bring Licence Alteration ('hanging...
successful application to replace a four-wheeler carrying nine tons by a sixwheeler to carry 14, which was heard by the West Midland deputy Licensing Authority, at Malvern, last......
Newcastle Not Happy
F OLLOWING an inquest at Newcastle upon Tyne last week, the city's road safety committee is to start a campaign to alter the provisions of the 1960 Road Traffic Act, which place......
Mandators For Australia
A MONG orders for A.E.C. vehicles In , which have been received, from Australia and New Zealand (which in total are worth f140,000) is one for 15 Mandator chassis from Wambo......
By-pass Opened
T HE Stamford by-pass and an improved section of the Great North Road was opened on Monday by Mr. Ernest Marples, the Minister of Transport, three months ahead of schedule.......
Objectors Worry About Dual Grant
Q UESTIONS of the possibility of a .dual grant and the licensing, without evidence of need, of vehicles in the North Western traffic area to do work in Scotland and the South,......
Land-rover Rally
P E Land-Rover Owners' Club is to hold its sixth annual rally on Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13. The event will consist of a series of driving tests and trial sections.......