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Irish Operators Face Exams
A NEW directive from Ireland's Ministry for Tourism and Transport means that hauliers setting up in Ireland after this year will have to sit an examination. Held by the......
Iveco In Usa
FIAT-engined Magirus :lub-of-Four lorry flown by a hartered cargo plane to the inked States has marked the tart of an aggressive marketig venture by IVECO Trucks f North America......
Review Permits Now
BRITISH hauliers engaged in international journeys suffer from a badly organised permit quota system. And the system needs reforming now, said Bob Duffy, International Group......
Wei Pay Lid Lands Opes
WEST MIDLANDS haull now look certain to go ah with their agreement w Alan Law's Transport i General Workers Union ii for a 15 per cent pay rise. The news comes despit decision......
Tacho Trouble For Veeder-root
THE refusal by lorry drivers to use tachographs is claimed to be the reason why 55 workers will lose their jobs at a Dundee factory on December 16. A number of them are to be......