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Badgerline Buy-out
• Avon-based Badgerline has become the second National Bus Company local subsidiary to be bought by its own management under the current privatisation programme. The successful......
Kirkby Sells Manchester Surplus
• Manchester Passenger Transport Executive and Kirkby Central Group of Sheffield have formed a joint venture company called Kirkby Bus Sales and Leasing, to market Manchester's......
West Yorks Routes Taken Over By Rider
• Yorkshire Rider is the name of the new bus company which will take over the operations of the present Metrobus fleet — operated by West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive......
• Six New Reeve Burgess-bodied 30-seater Welfare Coaches...
service with Birmingham coach operators Pattersons. The Leyland Cubbased vehicles are part of a 30-coach order, and will be used on a contract to the City's Education department......
• Following Extensive Trials With 11 Double-decker...
WABCO anti-lock braking systems, chief engineer Clive Bryant of Ribble Bus Company says the vehicle's braking performance has been positive and problemfree. Subject to current......
U Bus Passes And Travelcards Can Now Be Bought From
nearly 200 post offices in West and North-West London in a joint experiment by London Regional Transport and the Post Office. Both main and sub-Post Offices will participate in......