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Austin To Make Van Version Of Seven ?
INVESTIGATIONS are being made by I the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., into the application of the basic design of the new Austin 7 (and Morris Mini-Minor) to othec uses. It is not......
Inadequate Bus Service?
C OUNTEIUNG complaints, voiced by Mr. Jim Simmons, Ml'. for Brierley Hill, that bus services from the Wornbourn housing estate into Wolverhampton were inadequate, Mr. R. H.......
Grant Without Evidence For Scrap A New B Licence For Two
vehicles was granted, without the production of any supporting evidence, to a Sunderland scrap metal merchant and carter by the Deputy Northern Area Licensing Authority. Mr. G.......
London Is " Slowla [oking "
L.T.E. Report Warns About Growing Car Traffic : No Full Recovery from Strike UCH of the report of Mr. A. B. B. Valentine. chairman of the London Transport Executive, for 1958,......