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Military Vehicles
Kaleidoscope of Bedford and Vauxhall Military Vehicles is the work of Dutch journalist, vehicle restorer, enthusiast and exGovernment vehicles dealer Bart Vanderveen. Bart is......
Why It's Built The Way It Is
THE second edition of Heavy Vehicle Technology is not the weighty manual that the title implies. It is instead a textbook, written to comply with the new City and Guilds of......
Tales My Grandad Told Me. . .
MY GRANDFATHER once related a tale of how he bought a Dennis fire engine in the midThirties equipped with ladders and pumps and, wearing a brass helmet, drove it with bells......
Essential Knowledge For Any Business
PUBLICITY and Customer Relations in Transport Management £12.50 is the title of a book which covers the main aspects of how to communicate with the general public and how best......
Putting You In The Sales Pitcher
SELLING transport is just like selling bananas. Or any other consumer goods. So says Maurice Rounding in his 60page booklet Selling Freight Services (Freight Information......