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Scots Warned On Devolution
by David Craik • Scottish hauliers have urged their colleagues to drop their Braveheart fantasies and face up to the frightening financial consequences of devolution. A yes/yes......
Police 'seek Faults'
• Derbyshire police have dismissed claims by a transport lawyer that some police forces find fault with heavy haulage vehicles because they don't want to escort abnormal loads.......
Drivers Face Hours Cut
• Boots the Chemist drivers working in Nottingham face a drop in wages from October when their hours are cut from 47.5 to 43.5 a week. This is despite winning a new pay deal,......
Mp Won't Help Me, Says Haulier
• A Cambridgeshire haulier has accused his local MP of apathy over the differing levels of road tax between the UK and the Continent. Paul 0' Leary, director of Sovereign Road......