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Better Battery Connection
rERCON battery terminal connectors L which are used on a number of ontinental vehicles are now being manutctured by Autosafe Ltd., 155-157 Great ortland Street, London, WI.......
Sean:linen Front Markers
.711.0NT corner marker lamps for semi trailers have been designed by cammell Lorries Ltd., Watford, Herts. The lamps are designed for fixing to the ading edge of the......
Fuel Consumption Meter
A A NEW model of its Petrometa fuel consumption meter, the M.G.A. Mk. It has been introduced by M.G.A. Industries Ltd., II Forest Road, Loughton, Essex. It can be used on petrol......
Useful Poli . Rer. Unit
OLLABORATION between Smiths Jacking Systems Ltd., Witney, Oxford;hire. and Joseph Lucas Ltd., Birmingham, has resulted in the production of a 24 V d.c. electro-hydraulic power......
On Body Repairs
T HE third edition of a book entitled Panel Beating and Body Repairing " by Donald Wait, head teacher of panel beating, Sydney Technical College, Australia has now been......