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The Beauties Of Old Albion
SEVERAL MONTHS ago I took one of your road test writers to task slightly over his suggestion that the Albion six-speed gearbox fitted to the Clydesdale under test was a little......
February Was Late This Year
CONGRATULATIONS on your 75th year. In the past few years I have bought Commercial Motor now and then, but now have it delivered each Friday. Might I just comment on the article......
A Costly Track Record
RAY BUCKTON (CM, March 8, p23) failed to observe that in the same way that "lorries are smashing motorways to pieces", trains are smashing the tracks to pieces (for example, the......
Keeping Your Options Open
THROUGH our Press Cutting Bureau we received your kind report on our company with regard to the marketing of forklift trucks (CM, March 1, p64). Although your introduction to......
Daf As Good As Roadtrain
I WOULD LIKE to support many of the favourable comments made on Leyland's Roadtrain, but some of your remarks (CM, March 15, p26) do not really give fair comparison with other......
Anyone With A 1949 Morris?
I HAVE imported a 1949 Morn Commercial Type ECV9 /40 tipper from Jersey for restoN tion and would be interested i hearing from any reader wit either spares, publication......
How About A Switch To Urtu?
WHAT GOOD SENSE th representatives of URTU tall regarding not raising the spee limits for hgvs. Instead ( relaxing the speed limits, thE need tightening up! I am repeatedly......