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Two Solutions
• FOR its new accident repair workshop, Ford dealer DovesFord of Folkestone decided to order a precast concrete-frame structure. The result, an 18-metre singlespan by 33m deep......
Mechanical Balancing Is Cheaper
• EASOBAL mechanical wheel balancers are now being manufactured in the UK by Milling International Marketing. These balancers, working on a simple but highly accurate bubble......
'fastest Gas Analyser
• SYKES-PICKAVANT is claiming a "first with an infra-red gas analyser as probably the smallest and fastest one in the world. It is British made and boasts an analytical response......
Repair Standan Ls Vindicated
E THE VEHICLE Builders and Repairers Association is delighted with the results of the recent Which? report on vehicle crash repair ("What's the Damage?" March 1990 Which?). -......