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Hauliers' Big Share In Traffic Uauliers Carried Well Over...
of the total goods traffic handled in this country by all forms of transport. Mr. F. R. Lyon, public relations officer of the Road Haulage Association, told Stroud Rotary Club......
Mobile Shop Steps An Invitation
THE fitting of two entrance steps to a mobile shop is. in law, an invitation to "take a ride," an inquest jury at Carlton, Notts, was told last week by Mr. C. A. Mack,......
Felt Needs Ca Reful Handling
D 00FING felt required careful handl% ling, and high-sided lorries with smooth edges and platforms were desirable, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, North Western Deputy Licensing Authority,......
"produce Proper A
ccounts "—Mr. Hanlon rtURING the hearing of an application by Robinson Transport (Carlisle), Ltd., to Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, at Carlisle last week,......
Micrograms . . .
Glasgow Branch : Firth Cleveland Finance, Ltd., have opened a branch office at 29 Si. Vincent Place, Glasgow, C.1. Monopoly, Inquiry : The Monopolies Commission are to be asked......
M.o.h. Comments On Food Vehicles
IT is somewhat remarkable that food traders as a whole have not given more attention to their vehicles and the methods of handling certain foodstuffs during transport," states......