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Improving Transport Facilities At Farms
• Proposals for uniform or minimal dimensions for farm equipment and buildings were accepted at a meeting in the National Farmers' Union hq in London on Tuesday attended by......
Watch On Foreign Heavies
• The barriers may be brought down to stop extra heavy foreign lorries entering this countr3. Mr John Peyton, the Minister for Transport Industries, said last week that he was......
Overseas Permits
• In the event of the postal strike continuing into the week beginning February 8 applications for international road haulage permits for journeys in March must be deposited at......
E10,500 Damages For Driver
• A Shell-Mex and BP Ltd driver, Mr W. H. Payne, of Newport, Monmouthshire, was awarded £10,500 damages in the Queen's Bench division at Cardiff last week. On August 23 1965, Mr......
A New Life For An Engineer
Are you a wide-awake engineer Wil a transport fleet? If so, there may I room for you on the editorial staff Commercial Motor as assista. technical editor. We are looking for a......
Hitch-hiker's Blue Book
• A hitch-hiker in a Danish-owned tom who was discovered at a French-Germa Customs post to be smuggling pornographi films and literature, has been imprisonec the driver and his......
Man/bussing Merger?
• Talks between parent holdin: companies of MAN and Bussing are like! to lead to these two German commereiz vehicle manufacturers being completel merged. MAN bought a 50 per......
'come To Torbay'?
• One clause of a private Members' Bill now before Parliament would, il implemented, ban any vehicle carryinE advertising—presumably including velfich livery from entering......