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Q We Have A 3-ton Ford Thames—we Use It In
connection with the erection of small farm sheds—with a simple hoist mounted on it. We want a replacement vehicle with, say, a 5-ton load capacity with a platform length of not......
• Can You Give Details Of Organizations Concerned With...
A The National Joint Council on Materials Handling, c/o S. J. Noel Brown and Co. Ltd., 3 Dean Trench Street, London, SW1, comprises corporate members—companies, institutions,......
Q What Are The Leading Countries To Which Goods Vehicles...
A For the eight months ended August 1 967 the feeding countries to which commercial vehicles were exported from the United Kingdom was South Africa with 11,271 cornplete......
A Can We Road Test Brake Efficiency With A Tapley Meter
in the unladen or partladen state, or must the vehicle be fully laden to its plated gross operating weight? If so can you provide the formulae for calculating the fully laden g......
Ct 1 Own An Austin F.jk 160 8-ton Tipper
which is fitted with a CAV rotary injector pump. The cold start device is not an excess fuel type, but is one which fully retards the injection, requiring the knob to be held......
Q What Qualities Should Be Looked For In Selecting...
A The following five factors are considered important: integrity, intelligence, ability to control people, job knowledge and application. Of these, job knowledge can be taught,......