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3iliiitg Lit Ke &iola
fter reading The Hawk November 17), I must )mment on the item about the merican vehicle system that aces the driver's cab low down the chassis. I think that this brain-child of......
',oigpette Tab*
CM December 1, D. S. Benn comments on the state of lining in the road transport Justly. He highlights the diffiIty colleges face in employing ecialists to run transport urses —......
In Your Issue Of 8 December You Outlined The New...
Those of your readers who operate road tankers carrying hazardous goods should be warned that the responsibility for fitting and displaying the hazard warning label is now......
Bait The
otiditigitt I refer to your leader of December 1 entitled ''Cowboy Coachmen - . These people are, of course, a public nuisance and, as you say. the authorities seem unable to do......