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Sa Prepares For Leasants' Uprising
ECRUITS are needed by Ken's ecret Army. Their leader will e paid up to £17,598 a year id have the honorary rank of Drporal. They will be part of Dndon Transport in Exile, 'hich......
Port Sinking With Ll Hands
STORM in a port" seems be the Transport and eneral Workers' Union's lotto. The union, having failed lorganise a national dock rike in aid of the miners, is Ding its best to......
Put Your Money In Culture
SPONSORSHIP of social activities by members of the motor and transport industries tends to be directed towards sport. Lord Gowrie, Minister for the Arts, is, however, trying to......
How Not To Drop A Clanger In Sweden
A KINDLY Englishman who has had both embarrassing and amusing experiences in Sweden has written a booklet for the guidance of visitors to Scania. If you want to get in on the......
Art And Butterflies On The Move
A PICKFORDS representative who read in the Daily Telegraph that the Arts Council had to quit the Hayward Gallery in London in six months' time telephoned at once to offer the......
Porschean Baubles For The Loaded
"MY OTHER CAR is a Porsche," says a label on a beaten-up Mini. I am now awaiting the slogan, "My other shirt is a Porsche," for the prestigious German motor manufacturer is......