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Q Know That New Commercial Vehicles Not Exceeding 30cvvt...
to have seat belts in the same way as cars, but does the recent legislation under which cars registered on or after January 1 1965 will need seat belts apply also to......
O N , Frequently Use A 4 X 4 Vehicle For
towing a heavy lorry, following a breakdown. Four-wheel-drive is normally engaged to prevent overloading the rear axle. I have been advised that running on metalled roads with......
N Can You Supply Information On The
servicing of a 1961 Morris diesel exambulance which has been converted for use as a bus for a local church? Where can a workshop manual for this model be obtained? A From your......
N Recently In Cm It Was Stated That A
coach licensed as a "private vehicle" was subject to annual "private car" MoT tests after three years. But I was under the impression that this type of test did not apply to......
Q As An Hg. V. Driver, Do I Need To Apply
for a test when the new scheme comes into operation ? A The heavy goods vehicle driver's licence test, details of which appeared in CM on May 10, is expected to come into......
N Looking Ahead To The Possibility Of
gross loads of 38 tons being permitted and a power-to-weight ratio of 6 bhp/ton being required, this would necessitate the use of a power unit with an output of about 230 bhp.......
N I Am Making Preliminary Inquiries •••• Regarding...
mobile export exhibition comprising a lorry and trailer. Where can I obtain details of suitable vehicles giving maximum permitted size and weights together with their overseas......