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Major Fleet Is Hit For 181,000 Over Hours
II by Pete Swingler The distribution arm of a major UK company which delivers to supermarkets nationwide has been fined £72,640 with 19,1E0 costs for 227 charges involving......
11Y STORY Southampton-based Meachers Transport has been awarded a contract by toy producer (hop Leisure Group covering the annual collection of up to 270 containers from......
!dam Artic Goes With 11m Cargo
• Well-known Cheshire haulier James lrlam 81, Sons was caught up in an armed raid on a warehouse in Scotland when one of the firm's liveried vehicles was stolen for the getaway.......
Aa Survey Slams Services
• UK motorway service areas (MSAs) have been branded as overpriced and overcrowded in a pan-European survey by the AA. The findings, which will come as little surprise to truck......