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Tough Going On Bus Talks
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A FTER a lot of heart-searching and almost interminable argument the London busmen decided, somewhat reluctantly, last week to give negotiation......
One-man Panther For Glasgow
G LASG OW CORP ORATION has 1 .- 1 approved the purchase of a 36-ft. Leyland Panther, rear underftoor-engined, single-decker bus, with bodywork by Alexander for one-man-operated......
Bus For Handicapped People A N Austin Fkg40...
the basis of a bus built by J. H. Jennings and Son Ltd., of Sandbach, and recently presented to the Nottinghamshire County Council Welfare Services for the physically......
Cost Of Public Transport " W Hat In Your Opinion Is
the percentage increase since 1961 in the cost of getting to work in your town by public transport?" This was one of the questions asked of local authorities by the British Road......