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Dual Load-sensing Standard On Guy Tractors
• All prime movers produced by Guy Motors are to be fitted with load-sensing equipment in both the service and secondary brake lines as an extra safety measure. Guy chassis use......
Simple Cab Bunk
• A simplified type of sleeping bunk; produced by Mann Egerton and Co Ltd, Cromer Rd, Norwich NOR 38N. is designed for normal vehicle cabs. The bunk contrasts with the type of......
New Allison Automatics
• An all-new automatic transmission aVailable in two versions—one for gas turbine engines and one for diesels—has been introduced by the Detroit Diesel Allison Division of......
Continental Guide
• Maps, hotels, motels and fern timetables are included in the 672-pag 1971 edition of the RAC Continentc Handbook and Guide to Western Europ It costs 75p to RAC members an 1.25......
Tanker Sealant
• A Home Office committee investigatir the problems connected with tanker transpo is considering the possibility of using giai Aerosol containers filled with quick-settir......