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More Fuel All Round
rOLLOWING the announcement that the standard ration for private motorists will be doubled for the year from June 1, it has been decided. slates the Ministry of Transport, that......
New Regulations On P.s.v. Construction
T HE new regulations which allow larger buses to be used if registered for the first time on or after June I, come into operation on May 15. They • are the Motor Vehicles......
Magistrates' Mistake On Unladen • Weight It Was Admitted In
the King's Bench Divisional Court last week that the magistrates of Lower Strafforth and Ticknill, Doncaster, made a mistake in holding that a vehicle weighing 2f tons was a......
Five Tractors—and Two Semi-trailers!
DROBABLY the most extraordinary I decision ever given by a Licensing Authority has been reached in the Annis case. - Annis and Co., Ltd., applied to the Metropolitan Licensing......