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Costs And Law Make Removers Ponder
PAPERS read at the Southport conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers were arranged in pairs. At the first session, Mr. E. G. Wright and Mr.......
Importance Of Overheads
I N referring to what are commonly known as establishment, administrative, overhead, indirect costs, on costs and so on, Mr. Blatchford added yet another optional description of......
Members' Duty To The Public U Nder Seven Headings. Mr. W.
S. J. Wilkinson enumerated the responsibilities of members. They were as follows:-1, Attendance at area, subarea and town meetings, thusiending to improve the status of the......
Important Privileges A Ttendance At Area, Sub-area And...
also stressed by Mr. A. G. Beynon. It was essential, he said, that members should put something into the association as well as expect to get something out of it. They should be......
Removers And The New Act P Rocedure Adopted By The Road
and rail negotiation committees, in dealing with objections, was outlined by Mr. H. R. Reading. He said that he believed it was a principle that in the case of any operator his......