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Road Telephone Service.
The scheme of the Royal Automobile Club for indicating the location of all public telephones which are stationed adjacent-to raain roads, by means of signs affixed to telegraph......
A New Lincolnshire Bridge.
The opening ceremony in connection with the new Donington High Bridge, which carries the Spalding-Grantham road over the Forty Foot Watercourse, was performed on September 23rd.......
B.e.s.a. Standards.
The extraordinarily valuable series of specifications now being issued as standards by the British Engineering Standards Association has recently been added to by the issue of a......
Irish Free State Imports.
An upward tendency is noticeable as regards the importation of commercial motor vehicles into the Irish Free State. The official returns for July last show a total of 18......
A Municipal Visit To The L.g.o. Co.'s Repair Depot.
At the invitation of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., members of the Eastbourne Town Council recently paid a visit to the overhaul works of the company at Chiswick. The......
Local Proceedings.
Coventry Corporation has authorized the purchase of a motor ambulance. Dover. Watch Committee is considering the purchase of a motor tender for the fire brigade. Bexhill Watch......
• Goodyears For Fords.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Lots Road, London, S.W.10, have just issued a folder which describes and illustrates the various types of Goodyear tyre......