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Bosch Is In Gear For Ec Uk Sales Up
• ROBERT BOSCH foresees new chances for business expansion through the emergence of the single European market, but adds in its annual report for 1988 that this larger market......
• Iceland Frozen Foods Has Equipped Its New Fleet Of
12.2m (40ft) triaxle refrigerated trailers with Artic insulated shutter doors made by Manchester-based Dover Roller Shutters. Together with bodybuilder Gray & Adams and the......
Vbra 'workshop'
• SELECTING a satisfactory bodyshop computer system still causes a good deal of confusion within the industry, says the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association. Many members......
Big Diagnostics Review: Imechl
• AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICS, an international conference being organised by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers next year, will review developments and trends. Synopses of......
Safety Jacket
• NEON SAFETY Aids in produced a high-visibility safet jacket at 224.95. For years th company has made clothing fc the emergency services, bt its latest product can also b used......
• Peacock & Archer, The Leek, Staffordshire,...
and power-steering equipment, announced that it is now able to supply on an exchange basis, long shaft manual steer ing boxes for Ford Trans (model PM 18005). Quality systems ar......