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Hauliers Wanted
OVERNIGHT Bag, the express delivery company which took British Rail to the Office of Fair Trading after it was chased off Motorail trains, is planning to switch to road freight......
Get Updated On Road Law
ROAD LAW is a new journal aimed at both lawyers and "concerned operators". It will appear eight times a year and aims, without making unreasonable inroads into time, to keep......
Leyland Municipals
LEYLAND Trucks has launched the municipal vehicles market. Over 500 local authority and public utility transport managers and fleet engineers visited Leyland last week to see a......
Leylease Launched
A MANUFACTURER-fronted finance scheme was launched this week by Leyland Trucks. In the past Leyland has been one of the few commercial vehicle manufacturers not to offer a......
TOWMASTER Transport, the Arthur Bell Scotch Whisky group's road haulage subsidiary, increased its profit last year from £113,000 to £162,000. Turnover was up from £2.9m to £3m,......