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When The Doe Issues Regulations It Should Adopt The Policy
of the United States Department of Transportation, which prevents regulations imposing unnecessary costs on industry, consumers and Government, suggested an MP last week. Dr......
Danger Loads Study
A WORKING party has be set up to produce new regul tions for carrying hazard() loads that will put Britain line with international agre ments on dangerous loads. The new......
Ford Power Down Below
A FORD "R" Series coach with the front engine inclined to below floor level is to be offered by Tricentrol PSV Sales of Markyate, Herts. This modification uses parts from the......
• Tricentrol Is Also Offeril An Extended Version Of T
Bedford YMT, capable of ta ing the 12m bodywork. It cost £300 more than the sta dard chassis. The first completed vehic is at Duple awaiting a tux After delivery, it will be run......