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Irish Air Mail Plans Announced.
WITH reference to our paragraph VV published on November 22, Mr. Lemass, Minister for Industry and Commerce in the Irish Free State Government, has now announced in the Dail......
Air Transport News
route is about 480 miles. Mr. F. Leo Crilly expects to have, by next August, new British multi-engined machines cruising at about 170 m.p.h. lie intends starting the service......
End Of The Aerodromes Advisory Board.
T HE Air Ministry announces that the Aerodromes Advisory Board, a voluntary body constituted in 1933 by the professional institutions principally concerned in developing the......
A New Front Lifeguard
A DEVICE which, it is claimed, prevents any person knocked down by a vehicle being run over by the front wheels is to be marketed shortly by Atkins Safety Devices, Ltd., 9,......
Service To The Western Isles.
A TWICE-WEEKLY air service, on Tuesday's and Thursdays, between Glasgow •and Skye, was scheduled to be started yesterday (Thursday) by Northern and Scottish Airways, Ltd. This......