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Maintenance Still In The Ark
VER THE YEARS the motor 3hicle has caused fierce cornatition among its manufacturs to produce a mode of trans)rt that can withstand loadings, ress and fatigue. In the present......
M25 Is A Secret Weapon
I WAS interested to see your recent news report M25 Will Only Give Minimal Benefits (quoting a speech by Alan West, of UBDS). I thought everybody realised that the M25 is being......
Good Reasons To Get In A Flap
YOUR article on the MIRA safety articulated vehicle (CM, November 15 seemed preoccupied with those features which would minimise accident casualties. It failed to mention the......
No Trouble With Maggie's Spares
I OWN a Magirus Deutz 310. I must agree with Malcolm J. Nelson's letter in Commercial Motor (November 15) that the running costs of this vehicle are high indeed. But I disagree......
Adc Bides Its Time
I HAVE read your summary on p64 of Commercial Motor, November 15, in which I regret that you have misunderstood this Association's views on proposals for heavier lorries. The......
Norwest Won't Go So Quietly
IN your issue of October 25, 1980, you refer to Waste Management acquiring the share capital of Norwest Ltd, the Liverpool-based waste disposal company. Norwest is a major part......
We've More Than You Might Think
COMMERCIAL MOTOR (November 8) contains an article entitled Hire and Fire Business, which mentions TIP Trailer Rental. Two points here: our address is 69-71 Clarendon Road, and......