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Lords Reserve Judgment In "owner's Pay" Case
TUDGMENT was reserved by the House of Lords, last week, on the .) question whether, in assessing compensation to be paid for a nationalized haulage business, the proprietor's......
R.h.a.-u.d.t. Form Finance Co.
A FINANCE company to provide money for the purchase of trans-c port units is to be set up by the Road Haulage Association and United Dominions Trust, Ltd. Its title and its date......
Morris -commercial Reduces Prices
rOLLOWING price reductions for I export models, cuts in the prices of most vehicles in the Morris-Commercial range for the home market were announced this week. They vary from......
Lm. Sandbags In 14 Hours
T WENTY - EIG HT lorries of the Midland Division of the Road Haulage Executive were detailed at 10 p.m. on Sunday night to carry lm, sandbags from an Army depot near Leicester......
Factory Equipment Show Items Of Mechanical-handling...
among the products to be displayed at the first National Factory Equipment Exhibition at the Royal Horticultural Hall, London, S.W.1. from March 23-27.......