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A I Have A Land-rover On "farmers
Goods" licence which expires at the end of February. The vehicle weighs over 30cwt unladen. Will the Transport Act have any effect on my licence ? A Farmers operating vehicles......
Q In Know The Law Series (cm January 23)
Les Oldridge stated that mobile cranes do not come within the definition of heavy goods vehicles for h.g.v. drivers' licensing. Does this exemption refer to all types of mobile......
Q I Operate A Vehicle Which Has An Unladen Weight In
excess of 30cwt but gross weight of not more than 3.5 tons. Recently I was stopped by the police and told! would be reported for possible prosecution because did not have a......
A I Am The Owner-driver Of A 5-ton Box Van On
B licence. Under the new drivers' hours regulations which take effect from March 1 1970, can Fuse my van for pleasure purposes after I have worked the maximum permitted hours?......
U Is It Correct That The Exhaust Gases Emitted By A
diesel engines are non toxic because all the fuel is burnt during combustion? In other words, can it be assumed that a diesel does not produce carbon monoxide although this gas......
Q On A Number Of Occasions, Discussion
has arisen over here on the question of gradients—the lack of uniformity in designation in reports (in some cases "one in (say) 5" or in others (say) 20 per cent). Furthermore,......
Next Week
On Monday Peter Land forecast for the Institute of Transport how parcels services would develop in the UK, and explained how express carriers will need to develop. An example of......