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I do not believe that your use of the word "idiosyncratic" to describe the FTA's position on the 0-licence procedure (CM 23-29 January) accurately reflects the situation. The......
Fuel Prices
A nthony Bucke is quite /Aright about fuel prices (letters, CM 30 Jan-5 Feb). The variation between pump prices is such that someone, somewhere is making an awful lot of money.......
Green Penalty
T he Government is proposing a £500 "rebate" for hauliers who put particulate traps in their trucks. The traps cost £4,000 each. Rebate? Excuse me if I have this wrong, but......
Fire Watchers
I n a recent conversation with a retired fire officer I discussed the emotive subject of the Freight Shuttle wagons relative to their design and the safety factor. He is a......
Take Responsibility
W hat did Judge Tom Cracknell think he was doing when he gave a 12month suspended sentence to John Williams (CM 16-22 Jan), who fell asleep and killed two men on the M18? Then......