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Rumber Ine Oriorit ?
it be that our politicians at last, got the message we must economise? I am to believe so after colleague ee Geary's trip last week to ;sets. The Council Transport isters were......
No-one Knew Suzie
They won't be drinking tea at the Ministry of Defence this week. The winner of our funny class in the Suzie competition was BRIAN SHIPTON, of Kent, who is employed there as a......
Gone Full Circle
I thought I had heard it all last year when colleague Noel Millier waxed long and eloquent on the beautifully appointed coach which Leeds United FC had bought to take them to......
Calling All New 111anmen
If you purchase a MAN after JanuarY 1, your driver could be one of the best-dressed men around. The publicity department at MAN Concessionaires in Chiswick want you to contact......
Half Way There
The headlines on the latest edition of the BRS company newspapers tell vastly different tales from around the country. Wilf Bates up in the Northwest says he made - a......