6th January 2005, Page 42
6th January 2005
Page 42
Page 42, 6th January 2005
Daf Cf85
Equipped with Dais hefty 12.6-litre engine the CF85 is always going to struggle lo match the lightweight brigade al the weighbridge, but if it's periormance you're after then......
Foden Alpha Similar In Appearance To Dal 's Cf Tipper,
the Foden version differs in technicalities, not least unladen weight, where the Foden takes the spoils. Its tipper range is one of the lightest on the market; and it doesn't......
Nino Fy
Despite having all the attributes of a decent aggregate eight-wheeler— lightweight and tough design —the Hino FY has never made the leap from being a promising new entrant to......