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Hauliers' 'victory In Eire
F OLLOWING representations by the I newly formed Road Transport Association, in Ireland, South Cork and West Cork Road Committees have rejected previously sanctioned proposals......
New Goose-neck Semitrailer For Heavy Plant
A 32-TON goose-neck semi-trailer has rA been built by Cranes (Dereharn), Ltd., Dereham, Norfolk, for use with the wheeled version of the 'Caterpillar DW.15 tractor. This tractor......
"motorists Should Not Give Lifts !!
NiTOTORISTS who gave lifts to people IVA on country bus routes were criticized by Mr. S. W. Nelson, chairman of the Western Licensing Authority, at Salisbury, last Friday. They......
Minister Restores Fares On Appeal
IN appeal decisions announced last I week, the Minister of Transport upheld the appellant's contention that there was no evidence on which the West Midland Licensing Authority......