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Leprechauns At Play
The Little People, it seems, meddle even in the registration of a company name in the Irish Republic. Peter Thomas, a director of Hydro Hoist Ltd, the new joint EdbroThompson......
Still Poo R.••
"The condition of new goods vehicles has improved appreciably over the past year," says the Freight Transport Associa tion. This observation is based on the inspection of 541......
Trying Hard
Seddon Atkinson at least agree with me. The latest issue of their tabloid, Truckman, asks: "Why should anyone pay £27,000 and have to complain that trim is loose, there isn't a......
Carry On Milking
Even cows hate heavy lorries — except, that is, the Seddon Atkinson 300 with its International engine. I gather from Ian Fowler, sales manager of Scotts Commercials, of Penrith,......
Market Pick-up
A new GM Perkins-engined pick-up launched in Brazil is, I am told, expected to be popular with stallholders in the innumerable street markets who need transport for their goods......
Man-made-fibre ropes have the advantage of not rotting and of being much lighter and easier to handle than wire ropes or chains but they have a serious drawback if used for......
Shock Tactics
Stressing the case for rail electrification, the editor of Transport Salaried Staff Journal says: "Electric trains are less labourintensive to operate than diesels; they need......
Bugs Under .
mugs Instead of Reds under beds, a Leyland employee sees bugs under mugs. In a letter to Leyland Times, which won him £5, he says: ". . . in any pub in the area any competitor......