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Hauliers Accused O Wasting Fuel
• Britain's hauliers are spending 15% too much on fuel and wasting millions of pounds a year on uneconomic vehicle management, says an as-yet unpublished report from the Freight......
Ban Loaded On Trucks
• A London ban on peak-hour lorry loading will be maintained as long as the rail dispute hits road transport in the capital. Trucks will be barred from loading or unloading from......
Doubling Up
• Cartransport plans to double its turnover during the next three years. Former BRS marketing director George Inch is setting up a team to sell the company's services, including......
Euro News
• TNT Newsfast plans to offer a door-to-door distribution service to European newspaper and magazine publishers through TNT's European infrastructure in 17 countries.......
New Limits
• New EC standards on carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon emissions will affect new trucks over 3.5 tonnes from 1 October.......
Scania Boost
• Deliveries of Scania trucks and buses rose 32% during the first four months of this year, and sales rose in most West European countries says Scania, boosting its market share......
Irons To G0
• Ron Irons is leaving NFC after 40 years with the company, most recently as Group Managing Director of BRS. Irons, 56, plans to leave NFC in September but will probably act as......
Dock Ballot
• The result of the dock strike ballot of more than 9,4(X) workers will be announced on Friday, says the Transport and General Workers Union.......
New Spate Of Stolen Trucks
• Two blue and white Leyland Constructors and a Daf truck have been stolen in the past week. One Constructor is registered E677HLN (chassis SVLD6H5OLLGH62302); the other......