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*on The Beach
As today is the 25th anniversary of the Normandy landings which marked the beginning of the end of the 1939-45 War this has been an appropriate week to be reading Citizen......
*open Door
Although they had been in action previously, roll-on,/off ferries, with their bow doors, first came to the notice of many Servicemen in the course of the Normandy assault. Here......
It's strange to refer to "Mr. D. M. Readman" after writing "Corporal D. M. Readman" so many times in reports of his successes at LDoY events. Twice national champion, his record......
"I'm glad 1 made your job easy for you", was A. Willetts' parting comment to Paul Brockington after the prizegiving at Coventry LDoY. In the 1967 and 1968 eliminators, Paul had......
*on An Egg
In Durban recently a former chairman of the local Road Transportation Board was charged with receiving cash, crockery, radios, vegetables and other articles from non-White bus......
*liquid .pressure
Are we heading for a change to full-pressure hydraulic braking on heavy commercials? Several coats have been trailed on the subject, and throughout the industry I find interest......