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Just Leyland Back And Enjoy It...
3 eyland Lorries and Vans by HCVS stalwart John Hanson is strictly monochrome, apart from the card cover, but this A5 36-pager is Packed with well-captioned pictures—from......
Handball Heroes
a hese sturdy fellows, brothers Steve and Dave Crowson, are into back breaking work: they still load their trucks by hand. It wouldn't be so bad if it were loo rolls but as they......
Small Is Beautiful 111111'
rem heavy goods lorry driver to classic car driver is the subtle change of driving style that Alan Lidbetter of Hove, Sussex has made on his retirement. Alan and his wife......
Go For The Grand Van Prizes
reparations are well under way for CM's 19% Livery Awards (watch this space for more details) but I'm happy to report that Norwich Union is running a similar competition for......