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Pay: Tgwu Rethink
The TGWU's road transport commercial group has circulated proposals for a two-tier wage structure, with a national committee agreeing a minimum basic rate of pay, basic working......
End Of The Roads
BRITAIN'S minor roads rr eventually become impassal to all but the most robust vehicles, the British Road Fl eration has warned the Gove ment. In a report which details 1......
Fta/cbi Warn On Budget
LAST YEAR'S 10p per gallon cut in dery duty should be a first step towards harmonised rates across Europe, Freight Transport Association president Len Payne said earlier this......
New Bill
A CONSERVATIVE MP ird duced a ten minute rule Bill Tuesday this week, to bring • Dykes Act into line with the r tric system. John Lee (Nelson and Col introduced his Lorry......